Nasıl Gitmiş

Romanya’da 10 Gün Gençlik Değişimi Projesi

Proje Tarihleri : 07.06.2021– 18.06.2021
Yer : ROMANIA, Județul Caraș-Severin,Brebu.
Katılımcı Sayısı : 7+1

Başvuru Formu için TIKLAYINIZ.

*There is an age limit for the project. The participants should be between 18- 22 and there is one project lider +18 (we prefer this person to be part of our organizational team or have participated in our organizational activities)
* We will select 7+1 participants for this project.
*The person should be a Turkish citizen or have a legal residence in Turkey (not as an Erasmus student)
*English Language knowledge
*Ready to work in an international team
*Candidates that are members of Topluma Destek Derneği will have priority
* There should be selected 4 participants with fewer opportunities like( – rural areas, – disadvantaged urban groups, – ethnic minority groups, – other disadvantaged groups)
*Candidates that do not need visa will be priority – THERE IS BUDGET BUT THERE IS NO TIME FOR VISA APPLICATIONS.
* The gender balance will be taken into consideration

The accommodation, food, travel reimbursement according the distance rules will be covered by the program.
At the end, each participant will receive Youthpass certificate.

Nasıl Gitmiş