Nasıl Gitmiş

Litvanya’da 7 Gün Gençlik Değişim Projesi

Call for participants from Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey and Italy!

Participate in the Erasmus+ Youth Exchange “Check Your Privilege” in Kaunas, Lithuania. Tag someone who might be interested! 💬
📍 Date: 3-11 October, 2021
🇱🇹 Place: Kaunas, Lithuania
🌎 Countries: Lithuania, Turkey, Italy, Spain, Slovakia, Poland
🗣 Working Language: English

Interested? Register HERE
🇪🇺 Accommodation, 3 meals per day, and other project-related expenses 100% funded by the Erasmus+.
✈️ The travel costs will be covered up to the limit presented in the info pack and reimbursed after the end of the youth exchange.

Nasıl Gitmiş